Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Media called the names of the victims of Russian doctors in Aleppo – RBC

a Mobile hospital of the Ministry of defense of Russia in Aleppo after the attack.

Photo: Mikhail Alaeddin/RIA Novosti

the victims of the shelling of the Russian hospital in Aleppo were two residents of the city of Birobidzhan in the Jewish Autonomous region, nurses Hope Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova. It is reported by city portal “City on Bire” with reference to the Birobidzhan military hospital.

Lost military nurses served in military hospital in Birobidzhan. According to the newspaper, the head of the hospital already “departed to Moscow for the bodies of the victims.”

As told to “Interfax” head of the administrative Department of the military medical facilities Vitaly Krasovskii, two women and two men went from this hospital to Syria on 30 November. He explained that the group of doctors was already working in SAR in 2016 for three months and returned safely to Russia.

Krasovsky said that the dead soldiers were about 40 and they have children. The funeral will be organized on December 8-9. “The issue with the cemetery, funeral, honor guard,” said Krasovsky.

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He said that two other soldiers from the Birobidzhan hospital left to carry out the task in Syria.

a Mobile hospital of the Russian Ministry of defense came under fire in Aleppo on Monday, 5 December. Mine went to the emergency Department of the hospital. The victims of the attack were two soldiers. Were also injured civilians who came to the reception to the doctors. One of the doctors died on the spot and another died in hospital from his wounds.

the defense Ministry blamed militants of the opposition in the shelling of the hospital. Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that “vinova and customers” attack should be “proportionate liability”. As reported in the defense Ministry, “crime” will be investigated.


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