Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lavrov assessed the proposals of the Clinton administration for Aleppo – a Look

foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference in Moscow said that us Secretary of state John Kerry on Friday gave him the offer of the USA on Aleppo in line with the approaches promoted by Russia.

the Russian Minister noted that up to Friday’s negotiations between Russia and USA on Syria rested on “the American parties to promote these proxy such provisions that would bring the blow “dzhebhat an-Nusra”, which bosses militants in remaining liberated parts of Eastern Aleppo”, RIA “Novosti”.

“But yesterday John Kerry at our meeting with him in Rome and gave us suggestions that are in line with approaches that have long otstaivaya Russian experts on the negotiations with the Americans,” Lavrov said.

“We are more than willing to send our military experts and diplomats in Geneva, together with American colleagues to agree with the American proposals such joint action that will ensure the departure of all militants, without exception, from East Aleppo, which will further ensure unhindered humanitarian supplies to residents of the city and which will provide for the establishment of normal life in Eastern Aleppo,” Lavrov said.

According to the Minister, “it should not be just a meeting for meeting, and the meeting, which will determine the specific timing of all the steps that are required to overcome the crisis in the East of Aleppo and to release him from the militants.”

on Friday, the state Department said that during the meeting Kerry expressed deep concern about the US situation in Syria. The Russian foreign Ministry on Saturday disclosed details of the talks Lavrov and Kerry.

Recall, the American media reported that U.S. Secretary of state conducts negotiations with Moscow, trying to achieve the completion of the operation to liberate Aleppo, as fears that the administration of Donald trump “will throw” the Syrian opposition.


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