Monday, December 5, 2016

In Aleppo in the shelling of the Russian field hospital killed a nurse

Aleppo, on December 5, 2016

Aleppo, on December 5, 2016

In Aleppo, Syria, during the shelling of rebels Russian field hospital, killed two women-the physician. The defense Ministry blamed the attack on terrorists and protecting them the USA, UK and France.

Monday, December 5, the Agency AP, citing a Russian officer, who agreed to tell about it on condition of anonymity, said that the shelling was carried out in the Western part of the city, under the control of the Syrian government. Killed a Russian nurse, two doctors from Russia were injured. It was noted that a field hospital has arrived from Russia a day earlier in government-controlled district of Aleppo Furqan.

the defense Ministry blamed the attack on the opposition and Western countries

the Russian defense Ministry confirmed reports about the attack on a mobile military hospital, on the death of a Russian nurse and wounding two doctors and said that the responsibility for this lies with the terrorists and their backers from the USA, UK and France.

“the result of a direct hit mines in the emergency Department of the hospital one Russian soldier-medic died. Two medical workers were seriously injured. Affected local residents attending the reception to doctors”, – quotes the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov Interfax.

the Russian defense Ministry suspect, that the rebels could obtain the coordinates of the hospital from the Western countries. “No doubt, the attack was conducted by fighters of the opposition. We understand, from whom accurate data and coordinates the receiving Department of it the Russian hospital at the beginning of his work received action”- Konashenkov said.

“So the responsibility for the killing and maiming of our doctors, provide relief for the children of Aleppo, lies not only on the immediate performers, that is the militants of the opposition”, – said the General.

“the Blood of our soldiers lies in the hands of the customers of this murder. Those who created, nurtured and armed these animals human form, calling them to justify to their own conscience and voter opposition. Yes, you, gentlemen, patrons of the terrorists from the United States, Britain, France and other sympathetic countries and entities,” – said the official representative of the defense Ministry.

the Second medic died from his wounds

Later Igor Konashenkov said that the Russian soldier-medic died. According to him, the seriously injured soldier was not compatible with life. “Now doctors are fighting for the lives of his Russian colleagues seriously injured – children’s pediatrician”, he said.

“we Demand from the world community, and international movement of the red cross and red Crescent societies, “Doctors without borders” and other international organizations strongly condemned the deliberate the murder of the Russian military physicians who were carrying out their medical duty to assist the civilians in Aleppo”, – said the representative of the defense Ministry RF.

He noted that “crime fighters of the so-called opposition will be investigated”.

a Syrian army Attack on the Eastern part of Aleppo continues with the support of the Shiite militias, funded by Iran, and the Russian aviation. Russia, however, says that its air force bombed Aleppo itself. Urban residents are moving EN masse to neighborhoods occupied by government troops and humanitarian organizations are preparing for an even greater influx of refugees. According to some estimates, under the control of the rebels blocks are about 250 thousand people.

the UN Security Council on Monday, December 5, will consider a draft resolution, which contains the requirement for a week to stop fighting in Aleppo. Over the document worked by the delegation of Egypt, Spain and New Zealand. The original draft resolution provided for the introduction of the ten-day ceasefire, but the results of discussions, duration of the armistice has been reduced.

according to the authors of the draft resolution, it will safely deliver to the city of humanitarian assistance, and create conditions for the resumption of negotiations on political settlement of the conflict. Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared, that Russia opposes to put to a vote in the UN security Council resolution on Aleppo.


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