Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Debt budget business under government contracts estimated at 30.5 billion rubles – RBC

the coat of Arms on the fence of the building of the General Prosecutor’s office of Russia

Photo by: Natalia Seliverstova/RIA Novosti

At the beginning of September 2016 debt state and municipal contracts before the business amounted to 30.5 bln For July—August, prosecutors were able to achieve a decline of 2 billion rubles.

These numbers are called “Kommersant”, the Prosecutor’s office. It clarifies the issue, the prosecutors took up the topic of untimely settlements on public procurement at the end of 2015 after complaints from the business Ombudsman Boris Titov, President Vladimir Putin.

Sources in the Ministry of economic development earlier told the paper that the debts are growing due to the fact that managers of budgets is beneficial to delay payments to suppliers because it allows them to “twist” the limits in banks. Under the Budget code, government officials entering into contracts for amounts above the limits can be fined 20-50 thousand rubles.

the Department stated that for ten months of the year 2016 in the field of public procurement identified 12% more violations than the same period in 2015. Their total number was approximately 125 thousand. Only the Prosecutor General’s office during the ten months of 2016 has recorded 1 million violations in the economic sphere, which is 2% higher than the same period last year.

In November 2016, the Prosecutor General’s office told RBC which complaints often turn businessmen organized for them a straight line. The head of the state office of public Prosecutor on interaction with mass-media Alexander Kurennoy presented the RBC statistics on complaints from 17 June to 3 November 2016.

on the line during this period, there were 390 complaints. Most businessmen are concerned with the raiding and other illegal actions in respect of property of economic entities (137 complaints). 112 times businessmen complained about the unjustified criminal prosecution, detention and other preventive measures. 80 times prosecutors complained about the violation of procedure of provision of public services, placing orders for public needs. 39 registered cases concerned the violation of the procedure for conducting inspections and 22 times businessmen claim the adoption of unjustified measures of administrative coercion.

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At the end of 2015, Commissioner for human entrepreneurs Boris Titov has complained to Vladimir Putin on the growth of debt contracts, estimating its volume of 25 billion rubles.

In may 2016 Commissioner for human entrepreneurs Boris Titov told President Vladimir Putin annual report on the problems of Russian business. It included 231 systemic problem and 460 proposals for their solution. The problems are grouped in 30 areas, including, for example, the fight against illegal criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs, combating corruption, protecting rights of foreign investors. Problems were identified after treatment for 25.4% of the entrepreneurs considered the results of the two Federal surveys “of the owners and executives of small and medium companies” (in one of them participated 4,2 thousand respondents).


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