Friday, December 2, 2016

Construction of the third runway at Sheremetyevo is not enough 13 billion roubles, Vedomosti

“Additional expenses” incurred in the process of construction of the third runway (runway-3) at the airport “Sheremetyevo”, sources, “Kommersant” estimated at 13 billion rubles. the Cost of key airport project under the world football championship-2018 is 35.5 billion. Total funding gap hasobject “Sheremetyevo” is 19 billion rubles.

About the origin of “additional costs” in the “Sheremetyevo” on the eve announced the head of the Department of airport operations the Federal air transport Agency Anatoly bee. The sources believe that the 8 billion rubles for the construction of runway 3 will be redirected from other objects, and 4.5 billion rubles will be attracted when return is not spent by the contractor of the advance. To allocate 1.3 billion rubles. “without getting into the budget” last week promised the President’s special representative on ecology and transportation Sergei Ivanov . These funds will allocate Moscow region, the Ministry of transport and Ministry of natural resources, they will be directed on elimination of a dump on the place of the VPP-3.

the economy Ministry stated that it did not know about the shortage of funds for “Sheremetyevo”.


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