Saturday, December 10, 2016

Bloomberg found out about the agreement between the countries outside of OPEC to cut oil production – RBC

Photo: Reuters/Pixstream

Countries that are not members of OPEC at the meeting in Vienna have pledged to cut production of oil by 600 thousand Barr./day, learned to Bloomberg. Two weeks ago on the reduction of oil production agreed by OPEC.

Russia and several other non-OPEC countries pledged to cut oil production next year by more than 600 thousand Barr. a day. The agreement was reached at a meeting in Vienna on Saturday, 10 December, Bloomberg reported, citing one of the delegates.

the Source did not specify, will affect whether the agreement non-OPEC countries, where the decline is happening already, such as Mexico. Kazakhstan has agreed to cut production, said the delegate.

talks in Vienna was attended by representatives of OPEC countries and countries outside the cartel. “We managed to gather 25 countries, both within and outside OPEC, with the idea to stabilize the oil market and to protect a fair price for our goods”, — quotes Agency the words of the Venezuelan Minister of energy, Eulochio del Pino, said before the meeting. From the Russian side the meeting was attended by Minister of energy Alexander Novak.

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the Official results of the talks yet.

on 30 November, OPEC agreed to cut oil production by 1.2 million barrels. per day from January 2017. Later the decision on the reduction was joined by Russia, which has said it is ready to cut production by 300 thousand barrels. in the first half of 2017. After the transaction, Reuters reported that a key role in the success of the negotiations of the OPEC countries belonged to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. According to the Agency, the Russian President acted as a mediator between the governments of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the most influential members of OPEC.


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