Saturday, December 10, 2016

After the privatization of 19.5% of “Rosneft” in the budget will go 710,8 billion roubles НТВ.Ru

A consortium of investors consisting of the sovereign Fund of Qatar (Qatar Investment Authority, QIA) and the Swiss trader and producer of raw materials Glencore signed an agreement to purchase a 19.5% stake in Rosneft from state holding Rosneftegaz. The announcement is posted on the website of the company “Rosneft”.

message body of “Rosneft”: “following the privatization of 19.5% stake in Rosneft the Russian state budget will receive 710,8 billion, including funds from the sale of shares of $ 692 billion rubles, purchased by the consortium at the bidding closing price of the shares of “Rosneft” December 6, 2016 (352,65 rubles per share) with the use of 5% discount and 18 billion rubles due to the additional dividends of “Rosneftegaz”, provided the changed dividend policy, approved by the Board of Directors of “Rosneft” in the framework of the preparation for the privatization of the company.”

the agreement provides for the completion of the transaction until 15 December, the money will be transferred into the budget until mid-December.

Igor Sechin, the head of “Rosneft” : “We welcome the entry of the Qatar Investment Authority and Glencore in share capital of the company, it is really strategic investors. I am sure that working together will create synergy for the shareholders of Rosneft, including through further investment partners in the projects of the company… Implemented integrated privatization deal, unprecedented in its complexity, is the largest in the history of the country. A synergistic effect considering the sale of “Bashneft” will provide significant revenues to the state, separately decapitalizing residual control and the state’s stake in Rosneft. In extremely unfavorable external environment were carried out extensive work to find interested strategic investors with the long term interests of the Russian oil industry and the state as a whole.”

we will Remind, on Friday the head of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has signed all necessary for the privatization of 19.5% of “Rosneft” documents.

Many Western media interpreted it as a personal victory for Vladimir Putin, proving the utter bankruptcy of the anti-Russian sanctions. And the President of Russia reminded that a controlling stake remains in the hands of the Russian Federation.


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