Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Americans eased the ban on oil exports – TVNZ

Americans eased the ban on oil exports – TVNZ

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Today December 31


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The Americans eased the ban on oil exports


In Washington reported that gave “some” of the company a license to export condensate. However, their name is not specified

On Wednesday, Dec. 31, the US government eased the ban on the export of crude oil produced in the territory of States.

Representatives of the government Bureau of Industry and Security reported that gave “some” of the company a license to export condensate – ultralight form of crude oil, production of which is particularly strong in the United States has grown in recent years. However, their name is not specified.

In the United States have also indicated which varieties of oil they are allowed to export. In general ban on the export of hydrocarbons, introduced about 40 years ago in response to the Arab oil embargo and price growth persists, reports Bloomberg.

By the way, the US oil company Chevron opens in Ukraine account for shale gas . A work permit gave the US the National Bank of the country. Will produce hydrocarbons in the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. And all the money will be transferred to the US account in national and foreign currency.

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