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Krasnogorsk, June 23 -. RIA Novosti Changing the state expertise of projects under construction insurance would be extremely dangerous solution, he told reporters on Thursday, the Minister of construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Mikhail Men.
Earlier, the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP) suggested replacing the state examination in the construction of the majority of capital of industrial facilities for mandatory liability insurance for designers, developers and owners.
“This thing is very dangerous, because the safety of buildings and structures – this is a serious thing that affects the lives and health of our citizens”, – said the Minister
According to him, it would be too frivolous to shift. . responsibility on the developer, which has insured the building fall risk
“it may be that in our country will increase the price of reputation, maybe you can come back to this conversation”, – Men say
. Today, without the rigid, specific expertise, design technical solutions of capital facilities to build can not, added the head of the Ministry of Construction.
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