Sunday, September 4, 2016

Putin said that the stabilization of the situation in the Russian economy – Sight

Russia appreciates its efforts to rebuild the economy as a modest, yet the situation has stabilized, the reserves are preserved, the outflow of capital in comparison to last year was reduced five times, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the opening session of the summit “Group of Twenty” .

In his speech, Putin noted that many world leaders point to the problems and difficulties faced by the world. However, according to the Russian president, “we observed today, though slow, but positive economic recovery,” the RIA “Novosti”.

«As for Russia in our country, we appreciate our efforts as insufficient, modest. But our economy is still stable. We have preserved the reserves have significantly reduced the outflow of capital. Compared to last year the capital outflow was reduced five times. Reduced inflation twice. The budget deficit – 2.6%. Unemployment we keep at a low level – 5.7%. External debt is maintained at a low level – only twelve percent a year, “- said the head of state.

He noted that Russia is now captures a small, but growth in industrial production and other indicators.

«We plan to continue to reduce the budget deficit, to continue to reduce the dependence of budget revenues from hydrocarbon exports. Continue a balanced policy to ensure macroeconomic stability. Extend and implement improvements in the business climate, “- Putin said.

The summit “Group of Twenty» (G20), whose theme – “Construction of innovative, healthy, coherent and inclusive global economy”, on Sunday officially opened in Hangzhou China.

September 2, Deputy Minister of Finance of the PRC Zhu guangyang district said China noted a significant improvement in the Russian economy and confident in its future.

September 1, the IMF stated that the Russian economy has reached bottom of the crisis, its prospects have improved thanks to the reduction of costs and increase in world oil prices.

According to the latest Ministry of Economic Development, Russia’s GDP in the last month with the exception of the seasonal factor decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis after the zero dynamics of June this year. In general, the seven months of the GDP, according to agency estimates, fell by 0.9% in the corresponding period last year.


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