Sunday, September 4, 2016

Putin spoke about the stabilization of the situation in the Russian economy – RIA Novosti

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HANGZHOU (China), 4 – RIA Novosti Russia appreciates its efforts to rebuild the economy as a modest, however, the situation has stabilized, the reserves are preserved, the outflow of capital compared to the previous year fell five times, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the opening session of the summit. “Group of twenty.”

In his speech, Putin noted that many world leaders point to the problems and difficulties faced by the world. However, according to the Russian president, “he observed today, though slow, but positive economic recovery”

“Reduced inflation is twice the budget deficit -.. 2.6% unemployment. we keep at a low enough level -. 5.7% External debt is maintained at a low level – only twelve percent a year “, – said the head of state

He added that Russia now captures a small, but the growth of industrial production and. other indicators.

“We plan to continue to reduce the budget deficit, to continue to reduce the dependence of budget revenues from hydrocarbon exports continue balanced policy to ensure macroeconomic stability continue and the implementation of improvements in the business climate..”, – Putin said


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