Sunday, September 4, 2016

At the WEF told about the splendor and misery of the Far East: “Wages in Russia – not a guarantee against poverty” – Russian Oil

«Oil of Russia», 04.09.16, Moscow, 08:08 East Economic Forum (WEF) came to end. Investments territory of priority development, resource wealth, business support, turning Vladivostok into the goal from Asia to Europe – these are the key themes raised during the WEF. Not spared and welfare problems of the local population. On the territory, a third component of Russia, 6 million people live. At the same time the poverty rate exceeds the national average, and many infrastructure problems remain unresolved. “To” sums up the WEF 2016. Experts pointed out that the Far East remains a problematic region with enormous potential.

Region boundless opportunities

The official start of WEF -2016 gave the presidential envoy in the Far Eastern federal District Yuri Trutnev. In a brief speech, he called some figures indicating that in his domain all right.

So, according to Trutnev, the forum will sign 140 agreements at 1.6 trillion rubles. Do not forget to mention it, and the successes of the past. The official said that for three years the government on a monthly basis to make decisions that facilitate the life of the Far Eastern business. And the result was not long in coming.

Thanks to the efforts of the state to the region flowed investment. In recent years, been established 316 investment 1.06 trillion rubles, in turn, the head of Alexander Minvostokrazvitiya Galushka. “These are new projects for the new economy of the Far East”, – stressed the Minister

He told about the so-called territories of priority development (top).. Galushka recalled that the first application for a residency at the top has been filed not so long ago, a little over a year ago – August 17, 2015. Now in special zones registered 172 investment projects to 514 billion rubles. Moreover, public investment are supporting: 1 official ruble accounts for 12 rubles privateers

According to the minister, these successes Far East owes public policy – the low level of tax burden on business, in building the necessary infrastructure.. Ultimately doubled industrial production in the region increased by 5.4 percent up to 6 months of 2016, and the total profit of the local companies.

In 2017 the volume of investments in the Far East is expected to grow to 2.9 trillion rubles, said the head of Minvostokrazvitiya.

in the eastern part of Russia accounts for 81 percent of the total volume of diamonds in the Asia-Pacific region, 50 percent of forests and 17 percent of the oil listed Galushka. A little later, in the course of the WEF, the experts demonstrated the opposite direction of the Far East and medals – unsettled problems and high levels of poverty

continental transit region

But. welfare of the population – a very specific value tangible every person. Therefore, first, the forum participants spoke for a few abstract subjects. For example, on building up a common economic space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. The officials, business representatives and experts have talked a lot about how beneficial for Russia its transformation into a transport corridor from Asia to Europe. On the whole, it is necessary to integrate into the global economy, they said.

The general director of the German company Schneider Group (advises foreign businessmen who want to invest in Russia and the CIS countries) Ulf Schneider many praised Russia. He said that he moved to Russia 15 years ago. And while answering the question about life in the country, Schneider said that here “a little bit dangerous.” “Then I have often used the word” corruption “. Now Russia is a very promising country in which to live. The situation became absolutely better “, – he said

However, the Russian Federation is moving away from Europe, Schneider lamented.. According to him, European exports to Russia fell by 30 percent in 2015. And the bridge “Vladivostok – Lisbon” could become a new impetus for the restoration of trade relations. “The EU has the technology, Russia – oil and gas,” – he recalled

The chairman Antonio Fallico Italian bank “Intesa” the board of directors immediately said that Russia is at the center of Eurasian integration processes and free. it is no success in this case will not be. The very geographical position makes it the most convenient option to join Asia and Europe. The case remains for small – to make sure that after the Russian was profitable to deliver goods by rail. This is a very difficult task.

However, the “Russian export center” (REC), which is headed by Petr Fradkov, Russia has a recipe transformation into a prosperous transit state. It consists of three points.

In the first place, it is necessary to create real value chain. By the way, according to the ECB, Russia is among the seven (along with the US, China, Germany, France, Italy and the UK) of the key countries in world trade that are built into these same global value chain (global value chains, or GVC).

GVC – a concept that describes the transfer of the value of export and import operations. The study of such operations allows us to show how much national economies are integrated with each other. European regulator reported that Russia’s role in the chains is significantly higher than the other BRICS countries (except China), and higher than in the UK, France and Italy.

According to Fradkov, Russia continues to actively work and increase the company’s investment from China, Japan and South Korea. In particular – Automobile Corporation. In the future, they supply their products to Europe. So line up the value chain.

Second, the country is necessary to create real supply chain. The volume of trade between Europe and Asia to the Russian Federation accounts for less than 1 percent, said Fradkov. And loads while going by sea, bypassing Russia – 5 times longer, but much cheaper

Third, Russia should be included in an electronic “Silk Road”, to actively participate in the Eurasian online trading <.. br />
The implementation of the items, according to the head of the REC, will allow Russian business to raise his head, that would support economic recovery. Whether it will help improve the welfare of the Russians, and in particular, the residents of the Far East – time will tell. While the situation is not ideal.

Region undefeated poverty

At the forum, it was not only impressive figures and percentages (which is, again, abstract values). WEF members raised the very specific question of the social situation in the region

well-being of the local population (and people in the Far East, not so much – on the area it occupies a third of the country, but lived here a total of 6 million people). Preoccupied Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and director of the Institute for social analysis and forecasting RANHiGS under President Tatiana Maleva.

Golodets noted that there is a number of anxiety symptoms in the Russian economy. Chief among them – the fall in real incomes, substantially overtaking the fall in GDP. Malev took thesis deputy prime minister, and moved it to the Far East earth

According to the expert, the Far East in terms of the welfare of the population -. Problem region with great potential. It believes that its key problem – the working poor

«Having a job and being poor – the specific problem of underdeveloped economies, and Russia as well.”, – She said. Receiving salary in Russia – this is not a guarantee against poverty, he added Tatiana Maleva

It is reported that the proportion of workers with wages below the subsistence minimum in the Russian Far East is 12 percent.. The average Russian figure is 10.7 per cent.

On the other hand, the budgetary situation in the Far East “is not so bad.” Another positive factor -. Favorable demographics (young people more than older)

The economic situation in the whole country, she described the words “negative stabilization”. “Without access to the welfare of the trajectory of economic development is impossible”, – said the director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting RANHiGS

In addition to the problems of poverty, there is also the factor of unsettled Far East.. As already mentioned, in the vast territories inhabited by 6 million Russians

In an interview with “” head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin said that a very difficult task now is to the state. – stop the outflow of population from the region. Otherwise, the expected economic breakthrough can not exit. I just do not have enough human resources

Distance from the center and the number of people -. Two stops for the country’s east, which were important in the past, said “” the head of government of the Far East Development Fund Alexei Chekunkov. Now it is important not the number of inhabitants and their quality of life. At the same time, he acknowledged that the infrastructural problems of the region is not allowed. “Smart people, high-quality human capital, they want to live in a beautiful friendly cities (…). I hope that we retain and attract new, “- he said in the last day of the WEF, 3 September

Marat Seleznev . Learn more at


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