Friday, July 8, 2016

Requests for tours to Turkey a lot, but not enough bookings – BBC

The Russian tourists do not risk buying tours to Turkey. They actively ask for travel agencies on the availability and cost of tour packages, but to reach sales of approximately 5% of the total calls, say travel agencies

<-.! Place 8343821, / business / 2016/06/29 / 8343821.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

«call on Turkey comes very much, but calls – it’s not selling, it’s just the demand. Customers probe the soil. Tourists waiting for comments about security, it is safe in the airport, how the inspection, “- said” “director of marketing for the network of travel agencies” 1001Tur “Maria Konabeeva

« All the same. people still fear, they still only eyeing and build some plans, “- she explained

Such a situation, in her opinion, will last as long as there will be feedback from the first tourists returning from vacation. on the Turkish resorts. She also explained that Turkey now occupies about 10% of total sales tours.

Because of the lack of charter transport the number of tourists to Turkey is estimated not thousands, as previously, but only hundreds of tourists, said “ . “Vice-President of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Dmitry Gorin

« We were expecting a much larger potential demand for this direction “, – he added

According to ATOR estimates, even if now tourist flights will be launched, the monthly volume of Turkey will not exceed 70 thousand. man. It is quire times less than last year, when at the same time there were 700 kDa people.

not stimulate demand for turputevku Turkey and cancellations to the first charter flight scheduled from St. Petersburg Antalya.

As of July 7 it has been tentatively scheduled for the first since November 2015 charter flight from Russia to Turkey, but because of the lack of resolution of the Cabinet and authorization Rosaviation for charter flights to Turkey was canceled.

<-! place 8342939, / business / 2016/06/29 / 8342939.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

As told “” several agencies, tour operators offer tourists who had booked to Turkey for charter, rebook the tour in other countries, in particular in Tunisia.

Transplant tourists on scheduled flights to Turkey for the same cost of the tour operator can not. “Places in the economy in the next few days there is no – no Turkish Airlines, or in” Aeroflot “Cheapest place – in business, cost from 100 thousand rubles..” – Lamented in one of the agencies in Moscow

<. p> failed while Turkey and create significant competition to Russian resorts. Such resorts as Sochi and Anapa, even show a slight increase. Domestic resorts continue to actively filled, despite the fact that the price of tickets to hotels of the same level in Turkey is cheaper.

For example, a tour for two people with a trip to Turkey in 4 * hotel on the basis of the power of “all inclusive “with departure in the second half of July is about 70 thousand. rub. A similar set of services, but in Sochi or Anapa starts from 90 thousand. Rub.

«Those patriotic citizens, and the citizens of restricted to travel abroad with a limited budget, they would like to rest in Russia, and the rest in Russia. No Sochi or Crimea is not lost, but now is more expensive vacation in the Crimea at comparable hotels than in Turkey “, – said Konabeeva

<-.! Place 8297969, / business / 2016/06/10/8297969 .shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->

If the Russian resorts barely noticed the start of sales of tours to Turkey, some foreign destinations experienced a significant cooling of interest on the part of Russian tourists .

Most of all suffered from the opening of Turkey’s neighboring Cyprus. Those tourists, who, after a ban on the sale of vouchers to Turkey looking for similar climatic conditions, the level of service, the duration of the flight, chose Cyprus. In favor of Cyprus played and facilitate the procedure of obtaining a visa for Russian citizens.

But the level of prices in Cyprus Turkish significantly loses direction. Holidays in Cyprus is more expensive by 20-30%, than a similar tour in Turkey. Therefore, after the start of sales ads tours to Turkey Russian tourists quickly switched from Cyprus to the usual Turkish resorts.

The decline in sales in Cyprus amounted to almost 30%, according to the data network of travel agencies “1001Tur . »

He lost part of the demand and Tunisia. Although Tunisia the whole of June was the undisputed leader in outbound travel trends, about 15%. Greece shows a slight decrease in demand, around 5%.


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