Thursday, July 7, 2016

False starts at takeoff, when to resume charter flights to Turkey – RBC

resort Street Kemer in Turkey

Photo: Valery Melnikov / RIA Novosti

Charter flights, which were identified in Turkey, will be held not earlier than the middle of next week. The Russian authorities have not officially lifted the ban on the organization of charter flights to that country

Charter flights to Turkey, which were to start on July 7 postponed at least until the middle of next week. The reason -. In the absence of appropriate government regulations

«Order [the government] to provide the agreed proposals for the resumption of charters granted July 5, the execution time – week”, – said RBC spokesman for Prime Minister Natalia Timakova, adding that the proposals should be taken into account the need to ensure transport safety.

The representative of the Federal Air transport Agency was limited to commentary that the flights will be resumed after the government’s decision, which is not yet. The Transport Ministry declined to comment.

A hostage situation has Xia tour operator Anex Tour, who first rushed to announce its charter program is still in last Friday, July 1 , the very next day after President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on removing restrictions on the sale of tours to Turkey. At the same Directorate-General of Turkey Civil Aviation said that charter flights from Russia to resume July 7.

got under sanctions

Fruits and vegetables

government ban on many seasonal vegetables , fruits and berries from Turkey in the market was seen as a radical measure, because Turkey to Russia was their main supplier. in kind – according to the FCS at the end of 2015 and 54% in the share of Turkey accounted for almost 53% of the total imports of tomatoes in Russia in terms of money. In 2015, Turkish was delivered 292.8 thous. Tons of tomatoes at $ 281.1 million. Turkey was also the largest supplier of grapes, and every fifth mandarin, enter the country, was grown in Turkey.

Tourism and airline

at the time of the imposition of sanctions, Turkey was one of the most popular destinations of outbound tourism: according to the Federal Tourism Agency, during 2015 it was visited by 3.5 million Russians. More visited only in Abkhazia – 3.8 million people

Problem flight

The charter flight ZF. 8861 airline “Katekavia” (operates under the brand name Azur Air) was supposed to fly on July 7 at 15:00 from St. Petersburg to Antalya, but at the last minute was canceled. Information about this appeared in the online scoreboard Pulkovo Airport. According to executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia Maya Lomidze, the first charter, which was supposed to fly from Russia to Turkey after being in the relationship between the two countries there has been a warming.

The site Antalya Airport the flight did not appear, however, charter flights Azur Air were declared on other days, in particular from Domodedovo 8 July with the arrival at 6:10 am. By the evening of July 7, representatives Azur Air stated, RBC that the solution to these flights is expected, but the airline will begin flights “only after the relevant permits from the authorities, who have not yet given».

On Friday, charter flights Turkey will not be from Domodedovo, said airport spokesman.

Customer problematic flight was made by the tour operator Anex Tour. According to the Azur Air, travel company sent a request to initiate the flight to Antalya with a frequency of seven times a week from the capital’s Domodedovo and one or two times a week – from St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk <. / p>

The company Anex tour declined to comment

«The tour operator did not provide sales data on the fly, but the tours were sold bad” -. said Maya Lomidze of ATOR. According to her, all the passengers from the canceled charter could be transplanted flight Turkish Airlines, therefore actually affected tourists yet.

In the travel agencies surveyed by RBC, assured that in case of cancellation of charter flights, tourists or get 100 percent a refund of the tour cost, or they will be offered a replacement with the same quality vacation. In this case at least until next week.

How to quarrel on the network “Tours” recommend customers to delay the purchase of tours into Turkey and reconciled Russia and Turkey

In November 2015 a Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber, which fell on the territory of Syria. The incident caused a crisis in bilateral relations and economic sanctions on the part of Moscow. December 29, the Russian government announced that Turkish companies are prohibited from engaging in the design, construction, hospitality and tourism, wood processing, as well as work on the state order. The second decree, Russia imposed an embargo on the import of Turkish vegetables and fruit, and the third has banned the sale of charter flights and tours to Turkey. Response Turkey sanctions were minimal: from June 1, 2016, the Government obliged the Russian truck drivers to obtain a visa to Turkey. June 28, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized for downed a Russian Su-24, and on June 30, Vladimir Putin instructed the government to begin the process of normalization of trade and economic relations with Turkey.

No option

For the rest except Anex tour tour operators tours is formed only on the basis of a regular service, said Maya Lomidze. At Domodedovo airports, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo RBC confirmed that applications for charter flights to Turkey from other carriers have been reported.

the company “Pegas Touristik” and Coral Travel offer tourists to take advantage of flights Turkish Airways. Turkish carrier performs weekly in Antalya five flights. “Excessive demand, we do not observe. While interest in more than sales, “- said General Director of” Pegas Touristik “Anna Podgornaya. Prior authorization of the Federal Air Transport Agency Organization of the question of charter programs, highlights the top manager. Previously, the tour operator announced the start of a program from 14 July.

«Our flight program is scheduled for mid-July. It will be implemented in collaboration with a number of carriers, who were able to quickly offer their capabilities, including the airline “UTair”, – said the representative of Tez Tour Larissa Akhanova

The tour operator “Biblio Globus” sends tourists. affiliate on scheduled flights of airlines “Russia”. At STC “Intourist” Online already have Turkey, but the tours are sold without a trip (by 36 thousand. Rub. Per week in the hotel category 3 * for two).

Fly from Moscow, you can also “Aeroflot” . Russian airline flies 14 times in Istanbul and seven in Antalya. Moreover, as the data on the official website of “Aeroflot”, all the tickets already purchased in Antalya next week. Sales were only the most expensive category of “Premium Business Class” for the 82.6 thousand. Rub. one way.

How much did the blockade

According to the Federal customs service (FCS), the trade turnover, he fell more than $ 18 billion between Russia and Turkey for 2015 was $ 23.4 billion, and for the first four months of 2016 (no later than April statistics) to . $ 4.8 billion in Russian exports to Turkey fell by 43%, imports from Turkey – more than twice

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek said in December that. Russian sanctions could cost the Turkish economy to 0.3-0.4% of GDP, or $ 9 billion Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in an interview with Tass noted that the damage could exceed $ 11 billion -. will suffer the most damage tourism and the agricultural sector .

Price prospects

In the event that the government will take a decision on lifting the ban on the organization of charter flights, the coordination of flights to airports will not take long, confident CEO of “UTair” Andrei Martirosov:. “In terms of passenger traffic incident they welcome any work” An flights with Russian and Turkish airports really the day, confirms the commercial director of “Ural airlines” Kirill Skuratov.

According to market participants, with the introduction of charter programs tours to Turkey will fall in price by 25-30%. The cost of the tour package at affordable accommodation options aviation component may take up to 70-80%, estimates Anna Podgornaya of the “Pegas Touristik”, with the seat in the charters significantly cheaper.

According to international tourist metasearch Momondo, a ticket to direct flight to Antalya today will cost 24.5 thousand rubles, and in the case of the transfer -.. a little over 17 thousand rubles.. The minimum price for a week in a 3 * hotel for two in Antalya at the travel agencies surveyed RBC is ranged from 62 thousand. To 68 thousand. Rub.


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