Thursday, July 7, 2016

Association NPF offer gradual defrosting of pension savings – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, July 7 -. RIA Novosti / Prime Association of private pension funds (ANPF) and the National Association of Non-State pension funds (NAPF) offered the Russian authorities the gradual unfreezing of pension savings (funded component of pension contributions), told reporters . Heads of organizations

funded component of the pension system of the Russian Federation frozen in 2014: insurance employer contributions for citizens to make a choice in favor of the formation of the funded pension, fully go into the distribution part of the pension system. This allowed the government to save part of the budget spending on transfers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In June, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets stated that it plans to unfreeze the funded part yet.

ANPF proposes to abolish the moratorium on the formation of pension savings, but because the government is forced to work in conditions of budget constraints, the association considers it appropriate to temporarily lower the rate of tariff of insurance premiums paid to the mandatory funded system and a return to the pre-existing tariff rate will be carried out by the growth of the economy.

“We offer the existing system to maintain. We understand that the state has a serious budget constraints resulting from the current state of the economy when the federal budget revenues fall, which does not allow to ensure full transfer of the necessary funds to form a savings system we propose to consider the possibility of reducing the rate of deductions to the funded system, “-. said the Chairman of the Board Sergei Belyakov ANPF

This proposal is supported and NAPF.. “We understand that in a crisis the government is forced to go to the limit. Therefore, from the point of view of state interests and future pensioners decision on unfreezing pension savings in reduced format with the prospect of a return to full functioning of the funded component would be a serious promise to society, an indication that the state even in difficult times, keeps his word to preserve compulsory funded pensions in the format, “- he told RIA Novosti President NAPF Constantine Ugriumov.

An estimated ANPF, reduced rate of contributions to the mandatory funded system by 1 percentage point would allow the government in 2017 to save about 58 billion rubles. “How much lower to what level to bring the level of the tariff for payments to the funded system, we are ready to discuss with market participants, experts, regulators and concerned departments,” – concluded Belyakov



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