Thursday, September 1, 2016

The structure of “Gazprom” and Contractors Kerch bridge came under US sanctions – Rosbalt.RU

 The US Treasury Department made in the sanctions list against Russia, a number of subsidiaries of “Gazprom” and other companies, including “Mostotrest”, should be released from the US Treasury.

 As pointed out in the department, the US government has once again expanded the list of Russian individuals and legal entities in respect of which there are unilateral US economic sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine. In particular, the list was holding “Gazprom-Media” (included NTV, NTV Plus, TNT, “Friday” and “TV Game”, “Echo of Moscow” radio station and “Autoradio»).

 In addition, under the sanctions was the general contractor of the construction of the bridge Kerch – LLC “SGM-Bridge” (the structure of “Stroygazmontazh” Arkady Rotenberg), which is included in the “Ukrainian” sanctions list

 It is a black list (SDN List). All US assets of individuals and organizations who have fallen in the SDN List, frozen. Transactions with the list of defendants in the United States nationals or the United States are prohibited.

 hit PJSC “Mostotrest” is also on the list. In March 2016 “Mostotrest” joined to the construction of the bridge Kerch and was subcontracted by 96.9 billion rubles.

 It clarifies the “Interfax”, until April 2015 it was the largest shareholder of Marc O’Polo Investment, 68,45% of which belonged to the son of Arkady Rotenberg Igor, now it is controlled by Russian Railways pension fund


 In addition, SDN List joined PKU Uprdor “Taman”, the company “Sovfraht” and related structures, the FAA “Glavgosexpertiza Russia”, JSC “Institute” Giprostroymost “» (St. Petersburg), LLC “Koksohimtrans”, JSC “Ship Repair Center “Zvezdochka”, as well as the structure of the shareholders bank “Russia” – “ADB Management»



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