Thursday, September 1, 2016

Second East Economic Forum started in Vladivostok – TASS

VLADIVOSTOK, September 2. / TASS /. Second East Economic Forum opened in Vladivostok. For two days, representatives from business and government will conclude a 142 Agreement for a total amount of 1.6 trillion rubles, said at the opening ceremony presidential envoy in the Far Eastern Federal District, Chairman of the organizing committee of the Forum WEF Yuri Trutnev.

“In preparation for Forum, we understand that the main theme remains the same -. we talk about attracting investment and creating new large-scale projects in the Far East at the First WEF was signed 92 agreements for a total amount of 1.8 trillion rubles, of which 1.116 trillion rubles are already contracting. . Projects of more than 600 billion rubles have been the design stage and at the stage of construction and installation work “, – said Trutnev

.” During the second World Economic Forum, we have prepared for signing 140 agreements worth 1.6 trillion rubles . By the second forum we have prepared new tools – investment system “East”, Eurasian diamond Centre, the investment mechanism of distribution of quotas in the fishing industry “, – said Trutnev. Second East Economic Forum show visitors and investors to the effectiveness of new economic mechanisms of state policy in the Far East. The Forum, which is held under the theme “Discovering the Far East”, is dedicated to the integration of the territory of the system of economic relations of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR).

The site, which will discuss the investment potential of the region, this year will bring together nearly 1 5 times more visitors than in 2015, – stated about 2.5 thousand participants.. WEF will visit the leaders of the three countries: Presidents Vladimir Putin and South Korea Park Geun-hye, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the top managers of 57 foreign companies from 28 countries, the first person in more than 200 Russian companies

. The forum’s program includes more than fifty events, including five business dialogues between the two countries: Russia – China, Russia – Republic of Korea, the Russian-Japanese business forum, Russia – ASEAN Russia – Germany. Forum will work two days -. 2 and 3 September

The forum is held on the island of Russian in the buildings of the Far Eastern Federal University (SPU). Beginning of the school year due to online rescheduled for September 12, and the students who have passed special training today as volunteers to help the guests and participants of the WEF. Russian news agency TASS is the general information partner of the photochemical and the official agency of the Eastern Economic Forum.


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