Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Ministry of Health has supported the introduction of the excise tax on sugary drinks – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, 3 – RIA Novosti Russian Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova supports the introduction of the excise tax on sugary drinks, such as it is called these measures effective means of addressing public health issue, he said on Saturday, the director of the Department of public health and communications Ministry of health, Oleg Salagaev

on Wednesday, the “Vedomosti” newspaper wrote with reference to the materials for the meeting with first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and several officials of the Finance Ministry proposed to introduce in 2017 the excise tax on beverages with added sugar. According to the calculations of the Ministry, excise duty at a rate of 5 cents per liter would allow the Russian budget additionally receive up to 80 billion rubles in 2017-2019 years.

“The introduction of the excise tax on sugary drinks proved to be a effective economic means of resolving the issue of public health – reducing the prevalence of obesity and the incidence of diabetes, especially in children, “- quoted Skvortsova Salagaev.

According to him, there is scientific evidence showing that the establishment of the tax on sugary drinks in 10% leads to a decrease in calorie intake of an average of 7%

Salagaev confirmed that is currently being worked out different approaches to the additional tax sugary drinks. One possible mechanism is to establish a tax on beverages containing more than 5 grams of sugar per 100 ml, as well as higher rates of taxation for beverages containing more than 8 grams per 100 milliliters.

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