Saturday, September 3, 2016

Putin initiates the formation of a single space with the Asia-Pacific Digital Economy – REGNUM

Vladivostok, September 3, 2016, 08:04 – REGNUM Asia-Pacific countries Companies could interact in a convenient electronic form, stated in the second Eastern economic forum Russian President Vladimir Putin . He proposed the formation of the Asia-Pacific region, the total space of the digital economy

«We are talking about the creation of the legal and technical conditions for electronic interaction, -. Said Vladimir Putin – We are living in the age of the information society, the rapid development of digital, telecommunications, Internet technologies. And you have to seize the opportunities that they offer, in the interests of cooperation to the authorities, companies of our countries can do business and interact in a convenient electronic form ».

President appealed to the Government to provide a concrete plan work in this direction and said that there is a good foundation for the creation of such a system. “Eurasian Economic Commission already leads the creation of an integrated information system – a system of cooperation in transport, trade, customs, veterinary, tax and other procedures”, – said Vladimir Putin

As reported IA REGNUM <. / strong>, former President of the Russian Federation announced an initiative to create a single Russian company energy ring between Asia-Pacific countries -. Russia, Japan, China and South Korea

Let’s remind, in Vladivostok held September 2-3, the second East economic forum. As part of it has already signed investment agreement in the amount of 2.46 billion rubles.

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