Sunday, September 4, 2016

Syrian site: what they say Putin and Obama in China – RBC

US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande (left to right, foreground) during a group photo of heads of delegations of the States Parties “Group of twenty»

Photo: Sergey Guneev / TASS

Syria will be the main theme of the talks, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama in China. On the eve of the first year of the meeting the leaders of the parties are still far from understanding on the Syrian issue

Syria Date

Personal meeting between the head of the United States Barack Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin will be held on Monday, 5 September, in the framework of the G20 summit in China, said a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov. He did not specify what will be the format of the meeting and what topics will be discussed, the two presidents. Previously, he did not rule out that the presidents will discuss the settlement in Syria.

This is the first personal meeting between the two presidents this year. Last time Obama and Putin met in the framework of “Twenty” summit in Antalya. At a meeting on November 15 last year, the leaders also discussed the Syrian issue.

Putin has already has discussed the situation by telephone with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The heads of state spoke about the Turkish operation “Shield of the Euphrates,” as well as the delivery of humanitarian aid in the Aleppo . At the summit, leaders the two countries – Putin and Erdogan – focused on other issues – the food embargo and charter flights


The situation in Syria Russian President before his meeting with Obama also discussed with the Prime Minister of Great Britain (part of the US and Western countries coalition) Theresa May. They met at a summit on Sunday, September 4, this was the first meeting with British Prime Minister Putin since Putin dialogue and David Cameron in November 2015. Also on Sunday evening, Putin discussed Syria with the successor of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Problematic places

On Sunday, about Syria said Minister of Foreign Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry . After the meeting Kerry told reporters that Moscow and Washington remained “a couple of acute serious questions” that they are going to discuss on Monday morning.

In February 2016 Kerry and Lavrov agreed on the main terms of the truce in Syria. However, beginning in March, the truce did not last long, and Moscow and Washington continued harmonization of conditions of long-term cease-fire and the fight against terrorists.

to continue all summer Advice prevent what the United States did not commit Russia list of supported them Syrian opposition groups – without that Moscow could not strike at terrorist groups, without being sure of their location. August 26 during negotiations in Geneva, Lavrov Kerry finally gave the expected list. At the same time the parties have confirmed that the established direct contacts between the military on the Russian air base in Syria and the US military base in the Jordanian capital Amman.

Without concessions from Russia conflict to resolve possible, Obama said at a joint press conference with Teresa May. The US wants to deal obliged Russia not to allow military aircraft to bomb the Syrian government areas, which occupies the opposition. They also want to derive power mode with the key supply route to the north of Aleppo, it said in a letter to the US special envoy on Syria Michael Ratna armed opposition, which is quoted by Reuters. In exchange, the United States will be coordinated with Russia in the fight against “al-Qaeda”, the document said.

The redistribution of influence

The meeting of Putin and Obama promises major changes, however, will strengthen previously achieved agreements between Kerry and Lavrov, the head of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS Vasily Kuznetsov. The development of the conflict does not affect the negotiations between Washington and Moscow, and the situation in the conflict area and the location of the parties. “More than Kerry and Lavrov agreed in Geneva, should not be expected. What a dramatic joint action to combat terrorists will not “- agrees president of the International Center for Geopolitical Analysis Leonid Ivashov. Both experts say that in the meeting, Obama and Putin will discuss not only the coordination of actions of the armed forces of both countries, but also the Turkish operation, as well as the Kurdish problem.

«Perhaps, it will be about redistribution spheres of influence in Syria “, – the head of the St. Petersburg center for Middle East Studies Gumer Isaev. The expert notes that none of the parties to the Syrian process does not have overlapping interests. “Russia is trying to keep Assad, Turkey – Kurdish split ring on the border, and the US – to prevent the strengthening of Moscow and Tehran in Syria” – refers to the situation Isaev. Against this background, summarizes the expert, the negotiations can go on the federalization of the country and the support of the various regions and movements within Syria.

Putin talks and Obama will take place on the background of the Turkish operation “Shield of the Euphrates,” which began in Syria on August 24 . Within 12 days of the operation units of the opposition “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) with the support of heavy weapons, artillery and aircraft were able to capture the Turkish border town of Dzhelabrus and adjacent areas in the west of the country. Moscow expressed concern about the ongoing operation, but openly criticized the actions of Ankara. According to Isayev, this indicates that Russia, the United States and Turkey have reached an understanding on this issue and were able to explain to each other their interests in the region.

Compounding position of Russia as the recent conflict with the leadership over the airbase Hamadan Iran . Russian strategic bombers used a base less than a week, after which they were forced to leave the airport. Despite this, both sides of the official statements on Monday stressed that the cooperation does not end, and can be extended. The position of Iran and Turkey, the operation will not be weak in some places Russia in the negotiations, said Isayev. “Washington has a strong position priori. The country has a military presence in the region, it is possible to monitor the financial flows and groups on the ground “- Isayev said. He notes that despite Washington’s position as a peacemaker, the status of the sole superpower on Obama’s hand in the negotiations.


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