Sunday, September 4, 2016

On the East Economic Forum 2016 summed up the preliminary results – IA DixiNews


On the East Economic Forum 2016 summed up the preliminary results


Vladivostok, September 4 – DIXINEWS.

In the second East Economic Forum was attended by 3307 people and 1100 media representatives.

Of these, 207 heads of Russian companies and 94 heads of foreign companies. More than 1,500 representatives of business.

Major international companies participated in the forum: Sumitomo (Japan) Sojitz (Japan), Iida (Japan), Mitsui (Japan), Jay Ji Si (Japan), Samsung (Korea), KOGAS ( Korea), Exim Bank of Korea (Korea), Bank of Beijing (China), China national Petroleum Corporation (China), Kofko (China), San Group (India).

The foreign participants representing 56 countries. Numerous on the composition of the delegation were Japanese (246), China (227), the Republic of Korea (128).

In the plenary session with the participation of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of the Republic of Korea, Ms. Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took 1411 people attended.

The total number of events held business program – 56 sessions, of which the key – 44 strategic – 6 Business – Conversation – 5.

The most lively discussions provoked session: “Nedra Far East: improving the efficiency of resource economics”, “Development of the financial market in the Far East”, “Digitalization of the Far East – the driver of economic growth and improving the quality of life”, “Development of Small business in the Far East “,” Russia – contribute to the food security of the Asia-Pacific. ”

Within the framework of the business program at the forum held the presentation of 34 investment projects for a total amount of investments – $ 1.5 trillion. rubles.

Of particular interest were projects: “Development of a graphite mine” Union “in the Jewish Autonomous Region”, “High Technology Park” IT Park “in Yakutsk,” “Creating agro full cycle on cultivation of chicken broiler” Kamchatka Broiler “,” “Construction of a complex of oil refining and transportation of petroleum products” Amur refinery. “”

The number of agreements signed on 3 September 17.00 – 152 in the amount of 1.63 trillion. rubles. According to the schedule signings planned to conclude another 49 agreements for 132 billion. Rubles. Total 201 agreement worth 1.76 trillion. rubles. Of these, the largest:

– Agreement on intentions of investment project “Amur gas and chemical complex” between Russia and Minvostokrazvitiya PJSC “Sibur Holding”, the volume of investments – 500 billion rubles .;.

– Agreement on construction of a complex for the production of mineral fertilizers in the Primorsky Territory Development Fund between the Far East and JSC “National Chemical Group”, the volume of investments – 370.5 billion rubles .;.

– Agreement on implementation of the investment project “Construction of mining and processing enterprise on the basis of Natalka” Minvostokrazvitiya between Russia and OOO “UK Pole”, the volume of investments – 98.5 billion rubles .;

– Agreement on implementation of investment project “diamond mining company in the field Upper Muna ore field” between Russia and Minvostokrazvitiya “Alrosa”, the volume of investments – 63 billion rubles..

According to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia significant is the agreement between the Agency of the Far East to attract investment and support exports and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) on the establishment of Russian-Japanese platform for the promotion of top and attracting Japanese investors in the top, as well as 2 of the first investment agreements signed by the management company of the Russian-Chinese Agrofond, amounting to 17.9 billion rubles:. with companies “Cupid Agro Holding” and “Ratimir”.

It has become known that the agreement between the Fund for the Development of the Far East and the Savings Bank of the first phase of a special program of crediting of small and medium-sized businesses of the Far East involves 3 bln. Rubles of investments. Another one prisoner on technological cooperation agreement between RusHydro and the Japanese Mitsui Corporation, the numbers were not specified.

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