Monday, September 5, 2016

Detained top managers “T Plus”, the head of “VimpelCom” is wanted – BBC

On the morning of September 5, FSB officers came to the searches in the Moscow office of the group Viktor Vekselberg “Renova” in Malaya Ordynka.

As the official representative SKR Vladimir Markin said the searches in the company held on charges of bribing former heads of Komi worth over 800 million rubles.

«Investigative agencies of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee of the Republic of Komi instituted criminal proceedings against former and current executives of ZAO” Complex energy systems “(hereinafter – JSC” IES “, reorganized, is the legal successor of PJSC” Plus T “), suspected of committing a crime under Part 5, Art.. 291 of the Criminal Code (bribery in especially large size), “- said Markin

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According to investigators, during the 2007-2014 years of the suspects, acting in the interests of “IES”, passed by the former heads of the Komi Republic, which currently is involved in “a criminal organization Gayzer” criminal case, a fee for the establishment of the most favorable tariffs for heat and electricity, as well as providing other benefits and creation of comfortable conditions of doing business in the Republic of Komi. The total amount listed as monetary compensation funds amounted to more than 800 million rubles.

According to the existing agreement 38% stake in OAO “Komi Energy Retail Company” worth at least 100 million rubles., Owned by an affiliate of ZAO “IES” offshore company , by entering into a series of successive transactions passed into the ownership of the offshore company, control of which carried the highest officials of the Republic of Komi.

currently, in Moscow in PJSC “T Plus’ offices and other affiliated companies, with the support of operational employees Federal Security Service of the Republic of Komi and the Russian FSB conducted searches, question witnesses. The criminal investigation continues.

According to the Legal Report, as part of a criminal investigation had been detained the managing director of “Renova” Group CEO Eugene Olkhovik and its member companies “T Plus” (formerly “IES Holding “) Boris Vainzikher.

involved in the case was also the CEO of” VimpelCom “Mikhail Slobodin, part of directors’ T Plus”. Slobodin led “KES-Holding”, later reorganized into the “T Plus”, in the period from 2003 to 2010. The “VimpelCom” refused to comment on this information and did not specify where the Slobodin now.

Source Tass reported that Slobodin is currently in London.

Michael Slobodin himself said that is located outside Russia, according to Bloomberg.

According to the investigation, Olkhovik, Vainzikher and Slobodin regularly paid bribes and transfer assets offshore structures controlled by the management of the Komi Republic, in exchange for preservation of high tariffs for electric and heat energy. The number of defendants in the case can still be increased. The UK report refers to “the other is not established by the people»

It should be noted that Boris Vainzikher -. It is one of the companions of Anatoly Chubais to zero, he began working in the RAO UES and was one of the founders of the electricity reform. In 2012, he became CEO of “KES-Holding”, which later was transformed into the energy group “T Plus”, Russia’s largest private company

«T Plus”, controlled by “Renova” -. Russia’s largest private a company operating in the field of electricity and heat. According to the official website of the “T Plus”, it owns more than 7% of the installed capacity of power plants in Russia, the market of heat it takes 10%. The company is represented in 16 Russian regions, its customers include more than 14 million individuals and more than 160 thousand. Legal entities.

It should be noted that the PSC “T Plus” is the owner of “Vorkuta HPP”. In mid-August, the Acting the head of the Komi Sergey Gaplikov sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin complained to the owners of Vorkuta TPP.

Gaplikov said that because of the “critical state” of equipment CHP training grid city for the coming winter was threatened.

After that, Office of Public Prosecutor has begun check energootopitelnogo complex of Vorkuta.

In the “Renova” stated that the searches have not affected the company’s operation. “Investigative actions carried out in connection with the work of” T Plus “in the Komi Republic, is not so much the current activities of energy companies in the region, as the period when the Republic is headed by a team of former Governor Vyacheslav Gayzer” – said Tass representative of the group of companies “Renova” Andrew Storch. According to him, “in the company are set to constructive cooperation with law enforcement agencies, all employees are working in normal mode»

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Meanwhile, law enforcement sources said that in the case of bribery, “the team Gayzer” owner of “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg, did not appear. However, according to political analyst Nikolai Mironov, business Gayzer still a blow to Viktor Vekselberg. “Now Vekselberg are not so tied to the Komi. But the investigation concerns just the timing, when he was very active there. A Gaiser, in turn, was in the office, when I had to put a signature under the right businessman decisions “, – explains the analyst

Now it is certain to restart the system, and. oligarchs clearly given to understand that the one who will not be until the end of the loyal and faithful, can not hope for full protection, sure Mironov.

Meanwhile, the lawyer Vyacheslav Leontiev Gayzer said that “nothing I never heard of episodes of giving bribes 800 millionth “:” no one has given, and no one took. In the case of these episodes there. »

Recall that the September 19, 2015 the Russian IC informed on the Suppression activity OPS under Governor Gayzer. According to the investigation, other than the head of the republic in the criminal community included Deputy Governor Alex Chernov, Chairman of the State Council of the Komi Republic Igor Kovzel, Deputy Komi Republic Prime Minister Constantine Romadanov, ex-Senator from the Komi Republic Yevgeny Samoilov, head of investment projects support Foundation Igor Kudinov, the former Deputy Chairman of the Civil “Renova” reign of Alexander Zarubin, as well as the so-called financiers, technologists molars B., D. Moskvin, A. Goldman, Veselov, AP Maruschak, Faershteyn A., L. Libinzon, N. Motorina, M. Hruzin. According to investigators, Gaiser was one of the founders of the organized criminal group, which is almost ten years engaged in theft of government property.

In June, lawyer Gayzer said that his client is in the chamber Lefortovo prison together with accused terrorists and It contains “all possible violations.” Currently Gaiser charged with organizing a criminal group, fraud and legalization of the stolen property, but it can become a defendant in another criminal case – for abuse of office. This became known after a former mayor of Syktyvkar Pozdeev Ivan, who was convicted of embezzlement and abuse of office for three-year suspended sentence, testified against Gayzer. According to the testimony, the ex-mayor, at the request of the former head of the Komi allocated in the central part of Syktyvkar site construction company Alexander Olszewski (previously was manager of Komi head of administration).


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