Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rosturizm called illegal sale of tickets for charter flights to Turkey – RBC

Sale of tours to Turkey with flights on charter flights is void, because the Russian government has not yet agreed to such carriage. It is reported by TASS with reference to the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov.

«The implementation of the tourism product, which includes charter flights to Turkey, is void. Before the release of an official document providing for the abolition of the ban on charter air transportation to Turkey, tourism product can include transportation only within the framework of regular flights to the country “, -. Said Safonov

The Turkish authorities said that charter flights from Russia may resume this Thursday, July 7. The Turkish side has approved the application to perform 17 flights. According to “Interfax”, all the flights going to run the company “Katekavia” (operates under the brand name Azur Air). The first charter flight company was supposed to fly on July 7 afternoon from St. Petersburg to Antalya, but was canceled.

The request to organize charters Azur Air received by the tour operator Anex Tour. It was about to Antalya flights with a frequency of seven times a week from Domodedovo, and one or two times a week from St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk, explained the representative of Azur Air. As reported by “Interfax”, faced with the lack of the authorities’ decision to abolish the ban on charter flights, Anex Tour was forced to transplant tourists to other flights or offer them to other areas.

Rosaviation has not yet been announced, when they agreed charter flights to Turkey. The press secretary of the Russian Union Travel Industry (PCT) Irina Turin said on Thursday that charter will not be restored in the coming days, as the government has not yet issued a decision on lifting the ban on such flights.


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