Friday, July 8, 2016

Income from the sale of Russian wheat jumped by half –

Russia in January-May 2016 increased the income from the export of wheat by 1.5 times – up to 1.46 billion dollars compared with 981 million in the same period last year. On Friday, July 8, the Federal Customs Service (FCS).

In physical terms, for the five months since the beginning of the year abroad of Russian wheat shipments jumped nearly doubled to 8.34 million tons. At the same time the bulk of exports – more than eight million tonnes – fell on CIS countries, Federal Customs Service of the material should be

4 July it was reported that Russia in 2015-2016 agricultural year exported a record 33.9 million tons of grain..

in April, the Minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev said that Russia has become a leader in the supply of wheat to the world market, beating on this indicator Canada and the United States.

on July 1, 2015 operated in Russia export duty on wheat, which is calculated by the formula, 50 percent of the customs value of minus 5.5 thousand rubles, but not less than 50 rubles per ton. The decision was explained by the drought. In October, she was scrapped in favor of another formula: 50 percent of the customs value of minus 6.5 thousand rubles per ton, but not less than 10 rubles per tonne



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