Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund decreased in August by nearly 600 billion rubles – Rosbalt.RU

 The aggregate amount of the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2016 amounted to 2 trillion 90.10 billion rubles., Which is equivalent to $ 32.20 billion. These data are presented in the Ministry of Finance reported.

 Recall that on August 1, 2016 the fund amounted to 2 trillion 560.28 billion rubles. Thus, for the last month it fell by 470.18 billion rubles. or 18,4%.

 At the same time, according to the materials, in August of the Reserve Fund in foreign currency accounts with the Bank of Russia in the amounts of $ 2,92 billion and 2.46 billion euros 0.31 billion pounds were sold for 390 billion rubles /, and the proceeds deposited into a single account of the federal budget.

 The total volume of the National Welfare Fund (NWF) on 1 September of the current year amounted to 4 trillion 719.17 billion rubles. ($ 72.71 billion).

 Note that on August 1 this year, the fund size was 4 trillion 842 billion rubles. Thus, for the last month it decreased in ruble terms to 122.83 billion rubles. or 2,5%.

 In total, the Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund “thinner” in August to 593.01 billion rubles.

 Earlier, President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref did not rule out that this year the Russian government can spend half the reserve fund at an average annual oil price of $ 40 per barrel.

 According to the law on the federal budget for 2016, the estimated amount of the Reserve Fund at the end of the year should amount to little more than 1 trillion rubles. Forecast for the National Welfare Fund – 4.66 trillion rubles



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