Saturday, September 3, 2016

Putin named one of the most important natsprioritetov – BBC News

Russia is ready to enter the competitive price of electricity in the Asia-Pacific region. And to create, together with China, Japan and South Korea a single energy ring. This was stated by Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok. There finalized East Economic Forum. On it were signed almost two trillion rubles. The Russian authorities have promised new advantages to investors. Starting next year, for example, introduce tax breaks for 10 years.

At the economic forum a big political day. The appearance in the hall of presidents of Russia and South Korea, Japan’s prime minister makes it clear what is the level of dialogue. Talk -. On the Far East, which has already changed

“We have set ourselves in the full sense of the ambitious, huge-scale problem, make the Far East, one of the centers of social and economic development of our country, a powerful, dynamic and advanced “, – Putin said, -” this is one of our most important national priorities, we see real change here “

The growth of industrial production in the Far East for more than 5% -.. is higher than in other regions of the country. Last year investors have invested over one trillion rubles of investments, is about $ 15 billion. 300 projects have already earned. But the conversation – not just about the economy. In the hall waiting to affect whether Putin and Abe Kuril issue and the problem of a peace treaty. Prime Minister of Japan with Putin on “you”. He suggested the Russian President to meet once a year in Vladivostok and at the check – whether to joint plans

“The initiator of the resumption of negotiations on a peace treaty, -. Reminds Putin – was still the former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who so many links with Russia. ” His father fought in World War II and was in Soviet captivity. After the return from captivity was the mayor of a small town and headed the company Sino-Soviet friendship. Before his death, he bequeathed to bury him in Russia.

The conversation comes to the election campaign in the United States. What are Moscow’s relations with Washington if Clinton wins? Putin recalls the maximum openness in Russia 90th and illusions, which the White House responded in its own way – the Soviet Union collapsed, and now it is necessary, it is necessary to put the squeeze on, and Russia! You can expand NATO to the east!

The relationship deteriorated after the Ukrainian crisis. But the mechanism for the resolution of the conflict there – Minsk agreements, which must be carried out. “But the success also depends on the United States, but they have a real influence on Kiev”, – said Putin. At the same time, Russia is in their positions and the Crimean question for Moscow resolved once and for all

For the Crimea, and for the entire Russian Far East -. A real example of how to achieve results. More about 10-15 years ago Far Eastern city is rapidly emptied. Now for the first time in a quarter century in the Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin, Yakutia and Chukotka population is growing: the birth rate for the third year in a row above mortality. And it is important to fix the result.

Russia, along with Japan, Korea and China is going to create energy superrings. And ready to ensure a competitive partner for the Asia-Pacific region a fixed price for electricity. Another task – to give business the green light. From October 1, the procedure of the border in the free port of Vladivostok will be easier – and earn a single window electronic declaration of goods

To South Korea in Vladivostok attention.. In the presence of the presidents – to sign agreements. . This, for example, cooperation in space and medicine

At the forum spoke in detail about the environment: for the Russian cities is one of the main problems – waste disposal. In Moscow plans to build two waste treatment plant. And you can not tighten – Moscow already suffocating. Some trucks have come from Moscow in the Kaluga region. And it is only legal

For the international and Russian business Far East -. Currently a window of opportunity. Potentially profitable industry – tourism. And there, what to see. The giant aquarium on the island of Russian Putin visited together with South Korean President and Prime Minister of Japan. . It is also a great scientific and educational center

The complex – the largest in the world. 25 thousand tons of water, 35 thousand square meters, more than 15 thousand individuals and almost 500 species. You can put your hands in the water and touch some of the inhabitants of the depths of non-hazardous.

The coral reef, dolphin, private rain forest where the temperature is kept constant. There is even the prints of ancient organisms. So get in there, obviously, want to not only tourists, but also scientists from different countries.

East Economic Forum has already established itself as a giant multi-dimensional space. Here to discuss global and international issues, but here there is a speech about the development of specific regions. Moreover, many of the projects, which became known a year ago, is now operating successfully. And in the Far East are waiting for the arrival of new investors

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