Monday, September 5, 2016

Putin began the meeting and Hollande at the G20 summit, the fields, the main theme – Ukraine – TASS

HANGZHOU / China / 4 September. / TASS /. Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with French President Francois Hollande “in the fields” the G20 summit. Immediately after the Russian leader will talk with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The main theme of both meetings – the settlement of the situation in Ukraine

On the Russian side in the talks involving presidential aides, Yuri Ushakov, and Vladislav Surkov, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev, from France -. Finance Minister Michel Sapin, advisors, Jacques Audibert, Cyril Pikmal and Claudine Ripert-Landler.

Earlier discuss Ukrainian conflict “in the fields” forum in Hangzhou expected in a trilateral format, but the German and the French side, citing a busy schedule, we proposed to hold bilateral meetings.

Back in early August, it was to hold a meeting in Hangzhou Norman format between the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reported on August 8 that Russia is ready to support the initiative taken by the Kiev if they agree to Germany and France, as well as if China, as the host country of the forum will provide a platform for negotiations.

However, on August 10 Russian Federal Security Service reported on the detention of a group of saboteurs in the Crimea, as well as on the prevention of terrorist attacks, who were preparing the Head Office of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine intelligence. In this regard, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said he considers pointless to hold a summit in the Normandy format in these circumstances.

The negotiations in the format of “Norman Quartet” to resolve the situation in the Donbass held in June, 2014. Then, during the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the landing of allied troops in Normandy, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany for the first time discussed the settlement of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine. Since then, several meetings took place at the summit and ministerial levels.

A visit to France

Hollande said at a meeting with Vladimir Putin at the summit in the Chinese Hangzhou, he wants to discuss the preparation of the visit of the Russian leader in the France in October.

“Dear Vladimir, I’ve wanted to personally see you as part of the” twenty “, because political problems have economic consequences. because when there is war, conflict, terrorism, refugees, all this has consequences for the economy, not to mention the suffering experienced by the peoples, who are faced with such a problem also, I would like to discuss the preparation of the visit, which you plan to perform in France in October, “-. Hollande said


According to him, during the visit to be “a number of symbolic gestures, including the inauguration of the Russian center”.

Hollande also said that the meeting considers it important to discuss the situation in Syria and Ukraine ” as we all take part in resolving these issues “

.” as for Ukraine, it is necessary to interaction within the format of the Norman regard to Syria, here we have to work towards full-fledged dialogue. Despite the fact that all sides have been taken certain military decisions, we need to work towards the resolution of the crisis by political means “, – said Hollande.

Bilateral Relations

Vladimir Putin at a meeting French President Francois Hollande said he plans to discuss bilateral relations and urgent issues to resolve which countries are involved.

“it will be an opportunity to talk on bilateral relations and on issues that we believe are sharp and resolution of which take part “, – Putin said.” We are quite a long time now talked about the international, global economic problems, let us little Skoromniy issues related to Russia and France “, – added the head of state



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