Thursday, September 1, 2016

East Economic Forum is to attract investment to the region – Trutnev – to Pravda.Ru

Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev said that the purpose of the Second Eastern Economic Forum is to attract investments to the region.

Trutnev said on Friday at the opening ceremony that “the main theme remains the same – we are talking about attracting investment, creating new economic projects in the Far East of the Russian Federation” <. / p>

According to him, “at the same time, the forum should be new in order to be interesting.” “First of all, we will talk about the things that were and remain unchanged, that the Far East is a unique part of the Asia-Pacific region, rich in natural resources, minerals, forests, clean water – one of the most ecologically safe regions of the planet” .

According to RIA Novosti, Deputy Prime Minister recalled that last year, on the first forum was signed 92 agreements worth 1.8 trillion rubles, of which 1 trillion 16 billion “today became the contracts” .

It should be noted, the second East economic forum started in Primorye 2 September. The event will be concluded 59 investment agreements.

Read the latest news Pravda.Ru today


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